Bitcore Explorer

Network Summary


670.329 MH/s

Total Transactions


Unconfirmed Transactions

0 tx (96 B)


13.56 x 1018 hashes


23.736 x 10

Blockchain Size

2.2 GB


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Latest Blocks

HeightTimestamp (utc)AgeMinerTransactionsAverage FeeSize (bytes)Weight (wu)
1,490,6432024-10-26 16:40:273:32?10.390625BTX3141,148 (0%)
1,490,6422024-10-26 16:25:4118:18?10.390625BTX3141,148 (0%)
1,490,6412024-10-26 16:24:1719:42?10.390625BTX3141,148 (0%)
1,490,6402024-10-26 16:21:2822:31?10.390625BTX3141,148 (0%)
1,490,6392024-10-26 16:15:0828:51?10.390625BTX3141,148 (0%)
1,490,6382024-10-26 16:09:5234:07?10.390625BTX3141,148 (0%)
1,490,6372024-10-26 16:06:5337:06?10.390625BTX3141,148 (0%)
1,490,6362024-10-26 16:06:4337:16?10.390625BTX3141,148 (0%)
1,490,6352024-10-26 16:03:1140:48?20.195717BTX4,35917,328 (0.4%)
1,490,6342024-10-26 15:48:4555:14?10.390625BTX3141,148 (0%)

Transaction Stats Summary

PeriodTransactionsTransactions Per Sec
24 hours1480.0082
1 week1,0480.0072
1 month4,6220.007
1 year55,0620.0061
All time3,781,1510.016